Social Justice

“For it is not light that is needed, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake. The feeling of the nation must be quickened; the conscience of the nation must be roused; the propriety of the nation must be startled; the hypocrisy of the nation must be exposed; and its crimes against God and man must be proclaimed and denounced…No abuse, no outrage whether in taste, sport or avarice, can now hide itself from the all-pervading light.”
— Frederick Douglass
Read this statement by Red Arrow Media’s founder, Vanessa Joy Chandler:
When I was a little girl in Africa, I witnessed many things. Some that remained in my memory were beautiful, but others were of crises, poverty, and tragedy. On several occasions, North American media teams visited to film my family’s work in Malawi, and I rode with them throughout the countryside. Though at the time I was too shy to be in the videos, I was fascinated by the process and end result. My seven year-old mind determined, “One day I will tell stories of the things I’ve seen.”
During one afternoon, we drove into the “bush bush,” away from villages and people to attend a secret society meeting, an occurrence that was rarely witnessed by anyone in that culture, let alone foreigners. We were allowed to view a healing ceremony performed by a group of witchdoctors. While I was spiritually intimidated, I was also intrigued, and the experience stayed with me. The people believed that their ceremonies and necklaces made of string would ward off demons. I asked myself, “How can I play a role in telling them the truth?”
Such unique and diverse adventures birthed my vision to capture stories, not necessarily in a journalistic sense, but for the purpose of giving hope and providing answers. In high school, one of my good friends lived through the Rwandan genocide, and was one of the few evacuated while many that she loved were never rescued and died. I remember an African man spoke words to me that I will never forget, "You Americans come here and think that you know how to help us, that you have all the answers. But do you know our pain? Do you get down in the dirt with us?" Experiences like that mark you. They cause you to live beyond yourself, and that's what started happening inside of me. I saw injustice everywhere, but the only outcome was that people far removed from the dire situations were reporting horrific news. There weren't answers, and the media often failed to highlight the good that’s also in the world.
As things festered inside of me, I started writing. One of my first writing jobs was volunteering to help a leader write his first book. Not long after delving into the publishing world by working with that leader, I moved to eastern Europe for half a year. Again, I saw the damage left by genocide. My friends were survivors of war. Several women I knew returned to abusive husbands each night—there weren’t any safe houses for them to run to. I noticed that big-named charities and non-profits were proclaiming that they had made positive differences, but the eyes of the people lacked luster for life, and the streets were still filled with gray buildings and hopelessness. People were struggling just to survive. The Western world’s reports were inaccurate, and when I returned to California, I kept looking for someone to mentor me so that together we could make my dream become a reality. Then one day, I woke up realizing that no one was going to make this happen for me. If I wanted to tell stories, I’d have to struggle through a no-name beginning and learn how do it myself.
Thus, I started Red Arrow to “tell the untold stories.” My purpose resides in our desire is reach a wide range of audiences with vital messages that bring fresh understanding and vision to specific aspects of people's social and cultural realities. We create excellent, innovative texts with language, stories, and ideas that stimulate both the mind and the heart. We aim to bring hope, healing, and restoration to all people.
And even if it’s just one person that’s touched by our words or our visual content, it’s enough. It’s enough because we will have brought someone hope, education, peace, and the knowledge that there really are beautiful things that happen in life and remarkable people in the world who do good things.
A portion of Red Arrow Media's profits support the following social justice organizations. We encourage you to learn about the transformative justice work they do...and get involved!
From the iReachAfrica website:
"iReachAfrica is an international, interdenominational group of professionals who volunteer our time, our resources, and our expertise to lift up the poor of Africa. As a non-profit organization we’re charting a new course; out of poverty into prosperity, out of sickness into health, out of darkness into the light, out of disease and death and into life abundant. We give ourselves to the lost, the poor, and the outcast with the love and compassion of Jesus. We believe that the Good News of the Kingdom of God should be both proclaimed and demonstrated. In concrete, hands-on ways, we embrace and help the poor as if we were serving Jesus Himself. This is one of the distinguishing characteristics of iReachAfrica. In all forms of ministry, compassion was the hallmark of the One who gave Himself in the face of our human need. This is the age of grace and the year of the Lord’s favor, let us rejoice!"
About the Sarobidy Maternity Center from the Red Island Restoration website:
"Women throughout the world deliver their babies at home, alone and unassisted. Other times, they deliver in facilities that are understocked in equipment, medications and professional resources. In both instances, when complications arise, disaster ensues. Babies die, women die, children are orphaned and families are broken. Madagascar is no different. Here, a woman’s lifetime risk that she’ll die in childbirth is 1 in 45. Just for comparison, the rate is 1 in 3,800 in developing countries.
The Sarobidy Maternity Center is slowly and passionately working to change this – one mother and one baby at a time.
At the heart of our 12-month long program is a midwifery model that is based on quality medical care, compassion, love and relationship building. We know the women by name, we know their stories, we cry with them, rejoice with them and pray with them. We walk with them through their pregnancy, support them through a safe delivery and postpartum period, and empower them with knowledge to care for their new babies.
Sarobidy is the word for precious in Malagasy. We believe that life is precious and that the family unit is precious. We believe that every woman has the right to quality and compassionate medical care and education as it relates to her pregnancy, baby, birth and the time following birth."
Click here to learn more about Red Island Restoration's vision for reforestation, health, and hope in Christ for the people of Madagascar.
by William Lloyd Garrison
God speed the year of jubilee
The wide world o'er!
When from their galling chains set free,
Th' oppress'd shall vilely bend the knee,
And wear the yoke of tyranny
Like brutes no more.
That year will come, and freedom's reign,
To man his plundered rights again
God speed the day when human blood
Shall cease to flow!
In every clime be understood,
The claims of human brotherhood,
And each return for evil, good,
Not blow for blow;
That day will come all feuds to end,
And change into a faithful friend
Each foe.
God speed the hour, the glorious hour,
When none on earth
Shall exercise a lordly power,
Nor in a tyrant's presence cower;
But to all manhood's stature tower,
By equal birth!
That hour will come, to each, to all,
And from his Prison-house, to thrall
Go forth.
Until that year, day, hour, arrive,
With head, and heart, and hand I'll strive,
To break the rod, and rend the gyve,
The spoiler of his prey deprive –
So witness Heaven!
And never from my chosen post,
Whate'er the peril or the cost,
Be driven.