Red Arrow Media exists to create, recruit and publish literature that stimulates both mind and heart.

“I was most impacted by the deep revelation this book unveils around breath, which reminds us how quintessential the moment truly was when Yahweh breathed on Adam in the Garden of Eden. Breath changes everything.” —Sigmund Brouwer, Author of The Last Disciple, The Last Temple, The Last Sacrifice & The Weeping Chamber
Breath of Life: Three Breaths that Shaped Humanity
by Daniel Kooman
Paperback Released September 28, 2021.
The Breath of Life TV Series Premieres April 19, 2022!

Manuscript reviews.
From developing an author platform to learning how to write a book, along with insider details of the publishing world, this is all you need to know to write and publish your first book, created by Red Arrow Media’s Founder, Vanessa Joy Chandler.
“My Story is My Own has embarked me on a journey of possibility, opening up a pathway to pursue and context for me to dive deeper and deal with issues of the heart.” Kindrie O’Rourke—Student
“Thank you for being in the working ‘trench’ with me. It has been a delight learning from and working with you. Money well-spent.” Roseann Loker—Student
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